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Deltag i vores 1 dags intro-kursus fyldt med praktiske metoder og værktøjer til at styrke de nære relationer og samarbejdet mellem kollegaer igennem Konstruktiv Konfrontation og dialog.


A KICK is needed when the energy level is low, the strategy process is devoid of ideas, fresh inputs are required, sacred cows must be slaughtered, the elephant in the room must be ventilated, or when there is just a need for a candid push in the right direction.


A KICK is a short keynote designed to inspire, challenge, provoke or confirm that you are already on the right track.  


A KICK focuses on a topic relevant to the organization or team and is often delivered at the town-hall meeting, strategy day, kick-off seminar, employee day, or similar.  


A KICK is delivered with a twinkle in the eye, but not just for entertainment or to create short-term excitement. There is always profound professionalism in a KICK so remember the notebook.  


A KICK can stroke you with your hair - and against them. You may disagree with a KICK - in fact, the new angles, views, and your subsequent dialogue bring value.

      Maestro came with the KICK from the outside that has been crucial to our success.


Mads Hjort - Global Supply Coordinator & Manager


- the list is not exhaustive. Contact Maestro if you are missing a topic or you want to hear more.



  • Constructive confrontation  - an organization where honest and robust dialogue provides momentum and learning, but brutal honesty or silence destroys it.


  • The Blame Game  - responsibility is the winning mindset, complaining is the exact opposite ... but more contagious.


  • Lack of labor  - your narrative about it probably makes the problem much more significant.  


  • Confidence  - the most important performance driver for which you do not have a KPI.  


  • The competencies of the future  - which competencies are the most important in 5-10 years and why you better get ready now!


  • Collective intelligence  - if you can not learn together, you can not develop together. So what is holding you back? Pretty much actually.


  • Shape the culture  - culture eats strategy and (really many) leaders for breakfast. Why the soft discipline is the toughest.


  • Grow your business fast  - it was said. What now?


  • Strategy execution - 78% hits next to the target ... every time.   


  • High-performing teams - in theory quite easy. It only becomes difficult in reality.  


  • Meet the 3 most important - employees you have not yet hired. (Medium-sized companies).


  • Well-being  - well-being surveys do not create well-being. So what do you do?


  • Performance - performance measurements do not create performance. So what do you do?


  • Competence development - is often a waste of time and resources ... because you think it's wrong. ​ About neurology and psychology in effective competence development.


  • Influence  - Skilled leaders know what this is all about and bad bosses are completely blank. About the most important management competence we are not talking about.  


  • Willpower  - if your business strategy depends on it, you lose ... big!


  • Motivation 2.0  - what you think you know about motivation is perhaps wrong? About neurology in motivation.


  • Motivation 3.0  - what you think you know about motivation is perhaps wrong? 3 types of motivation you can actively influence.


  • Green dust: black dust  - positivity is nice and nice, negativity is easily accessible and creates cynicism. The right balance between harmony and (constructive) disharmony is crucial for performance and well-being.


  • Behavior  - why do " they " do as they do? What drives human behavior?


  • Critical KPIs - if you could only choose 2 key figures, you probably would not choose these two. That could be a costly mistake.


  • Change 1.0 - people do not resist change. They oppose you! About neurology and psychology in change.


  • Change  2.0 - anyone can create change here and now! Lasting, lasting and self-sustaining change is a whole other matter. True leadership is required here.  


  • Acceleration - why your business can not implement change quickly and efficiently - and how to fix it. (Large and medium-sized enterprises).


  • 3xR  - the 3 most important and critical resources you have and how they drive the business forward.


  • Security  a safe work culture is driven by other than rules, posters and procedures.  


  • Hunger  - the opposite of keeping the chair warm for the next.


  • Industry 4.0  - why does it happen? How does it happen? Who loses? What requirements does it place on employees? .... and why you are busier than you think you are.


  • The training ground  - why you do not create lasting change and why it is your own fault. ​


  • Feedback - "it makes us better" they said. "You will love it"  they said. About the fastest way to destroy an organization - and how to avoid it.  


  • Stress  - the recipe for creating a sick culture, solely through good intentions - and how to avoid it.  â€‹


  • Q&A  - Your KICK, our reaction and qualified counterplay.  


A KICK typically lasts 90 minutes and can be delivered virtually (well) or with you (better).



Maestro Business A / S
Skt. Pauls Gade 52
8000 Aarhus C

Phone: + 45 7026 4445


Maestro Academy A/S
Vejlsøvej 51 - Bygn. O
8600 Silkeborg

Phone: + 45 7026 4445


Maestro Business & Academy Ltd.
Maestro Business Center
Royal Mills Suite NS505
2 Cotton St
Manchester M4 5BD
United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0) 1616 727 417

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