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Picture Copyright © Triax A / S



Triax had wind in its sails but lacked control and overview to exploit the potential for growth. A collaboration with Maestro  Business created motivation, overview and efficiency in production.

With growth rates of 20-30% per year for a number of years, things actually went fantastically well for Triax A / S. But the success had a downside. With approx. 60% of the ordered goods were delivered on time.  In addition, the number of complaints was unacceptably large, so in addition to backorders, there were also problems with quality. And as a direct result of this, it abounded with raw materials and more or less finished products in the production premises.  

The idea of building a new and larger factory had "joked" for a while  time when one began to discuss what was to happen. For something  should happen.  

A collaboration with Maestro Business resulted in a new management concept in production, which has yielded results on the bottom line.  

- Today we deliver over 98% of the goods on time. The number of complaints has been halved. The lead time is reduced from 30-45 days to  three to five days. Our stock tied up has been cut by 40%, corresponding to DKK 10 million. DKK, and because we now have far fewer goods left, we have freed up almost 50% of the square meters in the production premises. And last but not least, we have increased productivity by 25% without increasing the number of employees, says factory manager Claus  Lundø and adds:  

- The main gain we have achieved is a markedly improved delivery capacity. As a not insignificant side benefit, the changes in 
production meant a saving of 2.7 million. DKK in the last financial year and 1.7 mill. DKK to date in the current financial year. Amounts that go straight down the bottom line.  

1,800 varieties of cabinets 

That it was the control concept and not the machinery that was the problem quickly became clear to all parties.  

- We decided to concentrate our efforts on one of the three factories we have here at the address. Namely the one who produces cabinets.
The production of cabinets is the most complex of the three. We produce almost 1,800 variants of cabinets, and even though 90% of sales are below 10% of these, customers buy it all, which of course we must be able to handle. Therefore, the attitude was:  “If we can achieve the desired improvements in cabinet production, it will  be easy to implement them at the other two factories, ”says  Claus Lundø.  

Claus Lundø

Claus BW.jpg

“The number of complaints is

halved. The throughput time is reduced

from 30-45 days to three to five days. Our

stock binding has been cut by 40% correspondingly

to 10 million. DKK, and because we now have far fewer goods

standing, we have freed up almost 50% of the square meters

in the production premises. And last but not least,

we have increased productivity by 25%.  

Claus Lundø, Factory Manager 

Triax A / S

One at a time 

Where, for example, you drove 100 units through at a time, now you only drive through one at a time. Previously, you always had 100 units standing in line, and this could mean that a closet lasts a week to get through stopping, bending, welding, etc. Now each part takes one to two minutes.  

- Previously, we made the same mistake 100 times before we discovered it. Now we discover it right away and do it only once.  That means less waste. And thanks to the new cell structure, we do not have to drive the goods around on pallets from department to department,  Claus Lundø explains.  

Immediately, i.a. the employees in the assembly a little skeptical  facing the new concept but was involved in trying it out.  

- And "luckily" a mistake was made on the first closet they were going to  mount. It was, of course, discovered immediately, and then the people immediately understood what it was all about, says Claus Lundø.  

Control the waiting time 

In general, waiting time was a big issue. Also in the sales department. One  order was previously up to a week en route from sales to planning.  Now only one day goes by, and often an order lands at a machine  the same day the order is placed. Production management takes place using papers in five different ones  colors - one color for each day.  


- We have gained a transparency we have never had before. Now we can quickly see where an order is, what needs to be made, etc. and the employees can easily follow whether they are with or a little  afterwards with their work, says logistics manager Kim Jespersen.  

For factory manager Claus Lundø, the Maestro course has meant a lot  relief.  

- A trip around the production takes 10 minutes, then I have it  full overview, he says.  

In the planning department, purchases are managed from special boards that provide  overview of what to buy and when.  

- Since we started disposing based on the board principle, we have not lacked as much as a screw or nut, states logistics manager  Kim Jespersen. 

Follow-up after 2 years

Triax has maintained the good results they created in the collaboration with Maestro:

  • Today, more than 98% of the goods are still delivered on time. 

  • The number of complaints has been halved. 

  • The lead time is reduced from 30-45 days to three to five days. 

  • Stock binding has been cut by 40%. 

  • Almost 50% of the square meters in the company have been freed up. 

  • Productivity has increased by 25% without increasing the number of employees.  

... and perhaps most importantly. The employees continue to improve the company's results with the methods they have learned during the course.



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8000 Aarhus C

Phone: + 45 7026 4445


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